Broccoli and Stilton Blue Cheese Pasties
Cheese and Onion Pie
Creamed Spinach
Diuers Sallet
Fried Green Tomatoes
Latkes - Potato Pancakes
Leek and Potato Soup
Mushroom Pastries
Mustard Greens
Northumbrian Carlings (Peas and Onion Herb Cakes)
Potato Cheese Cakes stuffed with Currants
Bubble and Squeak Potatoes and Brussel Sprouts
Scottish Rumbledthumps (Potatoes and Cabbage)
Spinach Currant Puree (Boiled Salad)
Stampy or Baked Mash Potatoes
Teisen Reis Greiddell (Rice Griddle Cakes)