Chapter XXI: Mistranslation of Bible Revisionists and dates of Revision

by Jesse Potter aka Elkin Vanaeon
 On this ninth day of August in the year of our Lord and Lady 2005 CE

The Mistranslation of Bible Revisionists and dates of Revision is shown in the English Bibles and scriptures, which were published in the Middle English. The number of biblical mis-translations and corrections are listed in the thousands and inconsistencies are innumerable, they were either poorly translated or deliberately mistranslated from the Greek and early Hebrew Scriptures. The few terms I am bringing into question are the words or terms of Witch and Witchcraft and their respective meanings, which were never found in the original Hebrew text. They were found to be later superimposed over scriptural translations that referred to words that implied a person to be an "Herbal Poisoner."

Differences in concepts of the languages and cultural bias produced negative expressions such as in the present King James Version of the Bible where in Ex. 22:18 it states, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live", which never existed in that context before that time! These examples show several of the differences within the Translated versions:

The Hebrew translation of Ex. 22:18, in the negative context in which it is used, refers to "One who uses herbs (negatively)" and "dwelling or living among you (negatively)" - i.e. "You shall not allow someone who uses herbs in a negative manner, (poisoner), to dwell among you." This was confirmed by the Decree of the Council of Ancyra, 314 CE, whom forbade witchcraft, which it associated with pharmacy and anyone using herbal medicines. The prescribed penalty was several years penance. Later in 373 CE the Gnostics began being accused of treason, poisoning by conjuration (instead of just the pharmaceutical use of herbal medicines), and adultery.

In this same context of mis-translations from the Hebrew language the term for witchcraft is "keeshoof", meaning sorcery or magic and "mekhash" means, "to bewitch":

These are the actual dates and number of different revisionist authors of the Bible, which promoted mistranslation due to the applied bias of language, customs, and politic from what was believed to be the original text to the languages they were being translated too.


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