Chapter V: The Definitions

by Jesse Potter aka Elkin Vanaeon
 On this ninth day of August in the year of our Lord and Lady 2005 CE

These definitions are necessary for the understanding of this book and particularly useful as reference material. Many of the reference books that I researched provided only very limited information on this material.

 The Definition of Conscience

 Conscience - (Con"science) (?), n. conscience, fr. L. conscientia, fr. consciens, of conscire to know, to be conscious; con- + scire to know

The Definition of 'Evil'

 Evil, as the term is applied in the Human context, is perceived as the immoral actions of someone that results in the suffering of another.

One ethical problem discussed in today's courts is whether people rationally choose evil instead of good, as an evil act committed intentionally or unintentionally. It has been argued that people do not choose evil, as such, but rather pursue and act upon personal interests or a people's own cause or interests which they identify at the expense of the interests of other people, of which evil is a by-product of such pursuits.

Those who are judges of society claim it is unreasonable to believe that determinations of what is good cannot be defended without comparisons of "good and evil" in claims of:

Evil', defined in terms of religion and worship, is the measure of perceived impurity of someone or something against the perceived purity and goodness of deity, which is usually determined by those who interpret and teach the worship of deity. Intolerance to differences of beliefs of good or evil, within the context of religious ideologies (seen as extreme differences between beliefs) of various cultures resulted in extreme actions of persecution and death of many peoples and cultures throughout history. The differences of beliefs of evil have been referenced and presented in several theories of ideologies, such as:

Each of these perceptions, though valid, must be viewed altogether in order to judge the true nature of humanity. The judgements of good or evil, within the context of the religious beliefs of people, are determined by people representing and determining religious beliefs, the forming of religions, and the perceived will of the deity they worship. Religious cultures, especially western views of monotheism, see the dominance of deity as being omnipotent, omniscient, and absolute in power and purity, with humanity bound in judgement to be submissive to that deity for the past, present and future wrongs of its actions. Such dominant beliefs of deity and submissive views of humanity provide the means of religious institutions, which interpret the will of deity, to believe they have the right to determine the physical as well as spiritual judgements of humanity. These determinations go beyond the normal scope of right and wrong in the judging of the souls of peoples of societies, manifested in the beliefs of differences between good and evil perceived as:

Such beliefs also included the reasoning, of the actions of deity, of directing necessary evils towards humanity for the testing of faith and education of people to determine whether they are:

Many various judgmental religious ideologies claim humanity to be imperfect when compared to the perfection of deity. Thus being unable to understand the reasoning of deity in having imposed necessary evils upon them or in the determining what greater judgements are needed before humanity can be declared good or free from evil. One of the more obscure lessons in life incurred by deity, reasoned by theists, is in the need for necessary evils that result in the suffrage of humanity such as, in order for some people to live a good life while others must be allowed to suffer. Within such beliefs, it is considered a privilege to be used by deity for such a useful purpose since those same beliefs also promise the possibility of compensation to those sufferers in an afterlife.

The problem with the reasoning of such religious ideologies is whether a people of free will would want to choose:

The testing of faith, of necessary evils imposed on humanity and the privileges of being used by deity was reasoned as the means of proving to humanity that it is unable to rule itself unless through divine intervention under the guidance of religious institutions that interpreted the will of deity.

Within the history of our world many religious institutions, when joined with political power, have proven time and again to be intolerant and the cause of many of the evils and suffrages incurred in the name of deity, towards peoples of different beliefs throughout history. Over time societies evolved and recognized the need to establish humane laws and ideologies to protect human rights, which included the religious freedom of different peoples to practice beliefs other than just those of domination and submission. This resulted in the establishing of more ethical and balanced societies, in which some deemed the separation of the powers of church and state as being necessary for a more ethical people.

The Definition of 'Ethics'

Ethics is the branch of philosophy dealing with the concepts and principles of morality, which include theoretical questions of:

It is the creating and applying of morals and principles as ethics, which is an evolutionary process, that leads to the need of discovering truths of what was deemed right or wrong in the evaluation of correct or incorrect past historical judgements. What is deemed ethically correct is then presented and ideologically applied in today's societies as human rights and universal ethics, which are not applied or accepted by all peoples of the world:

The Definition of 'Morality'

Morality can be used either:

If a person is brought up in a specific society, it is to the degree of how morality is defined within that society as to how that individual and people within that society are to be judged. To take on a "morality" is to refer to a code of conduct that leads to some form of understanding of the principles and ethics of society and how they relate to oneself to that society, relating to the constantly changing conditions of that society. This results in many different forms of moral theories by those who use "morality" as a rational people in the normative sense.

Ethics and Morality go hand in hand with each other. A person or people of a society must take an ethical stance in order to form a moral decision. Whether that decision is right or wrong matters in the outcome as to what injury, lack of injury, or benefit is derived from those actions.

The Definition of Soul, as to what is it?

Some of this definition is from the excerpt of the "Language of the Heart", by Carl H. Claudy, printed in March of 1929. The soul, or spirit, comprehends a language, which the logic of the brain does not understand. The keenest minds have striven without success to make this mystic language plain to reason. Yet when you hear music or poetry, which brings tears to your eyes and grief or joy to your heart, you respond to a language, which is felt but not easily understood or explained. It is not with logic that you love your mother, your child or your wife - it is felt and expressed from the "Something Beyond" of the language of the heart, which is not easily translated by the mind or spoken by the tongue.

It is through such an esoteric language and symbolism that we speak the language of the soul and spirit, one to another, which each of us reads and speaks according to his or her ability to interpret it.

Defining Differences in Various Beliefs of Religion!

The various beliefs of humanity have been portrayed through history as a bewildering variety of religions, cults, sects, denominations, and spiritual movements having been formed through the ages. The world's religions are reflected by the people and defined by the diversity of their geographic locations, social cultures, and language. There are common principles, definitions, or criteria of meaning that identifies "each and all" of the many religions of the world. These are various expressions of Religion and religious beliefs:

A Religion comes into being when people of similar beliefs join in common worship. "Personal Beliefs" are judged as Conscientious, Religious, or Political in Nature. Whichever the case may be - societies require relative ethical and moral values within that individuals belief system, in order for that individual to actively participate in a beneficial manner within that society. Societies are made up of many people involving many cultures. He or she, as an individual of one culture living within a society of peoples, uses a belief system as a reference in order to help establish ethical and moral values that will benefit the individual within their own culture.

Beliefs of differing peoples are usually in conflict within Society. Individuals believing natural resources should be exploited for profit are contrary to those who believe natural resources should be cherished and protected. This is especially true when societies believe in the right of government to supersede or impede the freedom of choice of personal or religious beliefs of their people.

Whatever the needs or differences that are involved, it is the "Right of the Individual" to choose what he or she accepts as a belief system. However, when a person expresses those beliefs, it is by those beliefs that the individual will be judged by his or her fellow members of society.

Defining Terrorism

In the year 2002 CE, terrorism was openly declared an entity to be warred upon by the United States and other Countries of the World. This book is merely a reminder that people, institutions, and governments of the present as well as the past who have denied others their human rights of religious and civil liberties through the use of physical and or emotional violence are considered terrorists within the definitions of terrorism in today's society.

The definition of terrorism is the proposed act of or actual 'Use of Violence' to induce a state of fear through acts of intimidation, coercion, or threats. This includes all forms of:

It is the 'Use of Fear' to intimidate, coerce or threaten another person, group, or entity. In order to produce a state of fear that will affect or change the reasoning of normal decision making processes so that abnormal actions will be directed towards an outcome that otherwise would not have been made. The "Use of Fear" to intimidate, coerce or threaten another person, group, or entity within the definition of Terrorism would include the attempt to or the actual change of:

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