"Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill - An it harm none,do what ye will!"

Bide you well to understand these words - they do not simply imply doing anything you want to do regardless of repercussions. Instead it means being responsible in all aspects of life- enjoying life and caring for those around you. Yet it also includes defending yourself, and those you love from harm, either by your actions or from another! See Interpretations of the Rede!

The Wiccan Redes

Bide the Wiccan Redes ye must, In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust;
Live ye must and let to live, Fairly take and fairly give;
Form the Circle thrice about, To keep unwelcome spirits out;
Bind fast the spell every time, Let the words be spoke in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch, Speak ye little, listen much;
Deosil go by waxing moon, Sing and dance the Witches' Rune;
Widdershins go by waning moon, Chant ye then a baleful tune;
When the Lady's moon is new, Kiss hand to her times two;
When the moon rides at peak, Heart's desire then ye seek.

Heed the North wind's mighty gale, Lock the door & trim the sail;
When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss them on the mouth;
When the wind blows from the West, departed souls have no rest;
When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast.

Nine woods in the cauldron go, Burn them quick, burn them slow;
Elder be the Lady's tree, Burn it not or curs'd ye'll be;
When the wind begins to turn, Soon Beltane fires will burn;
When the wheel has turned to Yule, light the log, the Horned One rules.

Heed the flower, bush or tree By the Lady blessed be'
When the rippling waters flow cast a stone - the truth you'll know;
When ye have & hold a need, Hearken not to others' greed;
With a fool no seasons spend, Or be counted as his friend.

Merry meet and merry part, Bright the cheeks, warm the heart;
Mind the threefold law ye should, Three times bad and three times good;
Whene'er misfortune is enow, Wear the star upon your brow;
True in troth ever ye be, Lest thy love prove false to thee.

'Tis by the sun that life be won, And by the moon that change be done;
If ye would clear the path to will, Make certain the mind be still;

What good be tools without Inner Light?

What good be magic without wisdom-sight?

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill - An it harm none, do what ye will.

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