The "Elements" within Magickal Symbolism are the basic
components of all that exists. These four Elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water
- are at the same time visible and invisible, physical and spiritual. From these
Elements all things have been fashioned, according to magickal thought. The
elements described here are not at odds with Science, just different, and are
still considered relevant within the Magickal Systems! The Four Elements are
a simpler, yet more complex set of Symbols. Earth, for example, refers not only
to the planet on which we exist, but also to the phenomenon of Earthiness, of
foundation and stability. Similarly, Fire is much more than flame. Since we
are Magickally working with Nature, using natural powers, tools and symbols,
it is important to understand them, giving them Names, Definition, and Differentiation.
The following Topics deal with the Physical and Symbolic aspects
of the Elements and types of Magick related to the Devas. All Magick falls under
the rulership of one (or more) of the Elements. This is true, too, of all that
exists. An understanding of them will aid your magickal work immensely. The
difference between an Element and an Deva is that an Element has power and energy
but is not considered a being, while a Deva is considered a being in possession
of the powers of the elements. Devas are described as "masculine"
or "feminine," but that should not be viewed as an absolute! Like
all Magickal systems, this is symbolic - it describes the basic attributes or
aspects of the Deva in terms more easily understandable. The "Gender Aspect"
doesn't mean that it in order to be more masculine you have to perform Fire
Magick, or for women to use Water Magick to be more feminine!
These beings are made up of an etheric substance that is unique
and specifically resonant to their nature, as nature spirits they are the spiritual
essence within each of the four elements:
FIRE: Salamanders
WATER: Undines
AIR: Sylphs
Gnomes (Pans, Satyrs, Dryads, Elves ...)
Air is the Element of the intellect, it is the realm of thought,
etheric, which is the first step toward creation. Magickally speaking, Air is
the clear, uncluttered, pure visualization which is a powerful tool for change.
It is also movement, the impetus that sends the visualization out toward manifestation.
It rules spells and rituals involving travel, instruction, freedom, obtaining
knowledge, discovering lost items, uncovering lies, and so on. It can also be
used to develop the psychic faculties. Spells involving Air usually include
the act of placing an object in the Air or dropping something off the side of
a mountain or other high place so that the object actually connects physically
with the Element. Air is being dry, expansive, and active. It is the Element
that excels in places of learning, and which is at work while we theorize, think,
and ponder. Air rules the East because this is the direction of the greatest
light, and the light of wisdom and consciousness. Its color is yellow, the yellow
of the Sun and of the sky at dawn, and its season is spring. Air governs the
magick of the four winds, most divination's, concentration and visualization
Title Aspect: Maiden
Astrological Rulers: Jupiter, Mercury
Keys: Life Principle, Intellect
Raphael (instructor, traveller,
Rules: mind, essential qualities, spiritual plane, knowledge,
abstract learning, theories, windy or high places, breath, speech
Virtues: gregarious, diligent, optimistic, dexterity, joie-DE-vivre,
persuasive, friendly, healthy, knowledgeable
Vices: frivolity, boasting, absent mindedness, rootless, easily
distracted, loquacious, tends to intellectualize emotions (rather than experience
Spring & sunrise
Direction: East, Eurus
Color: yellow
Symbols: topaz, galbanum, aspen, frankincense, vervain, birds,
eagle & hawk
Tools: wand, censer (arrow stabs air & conveys message Outer
to Inner)
Spirits: The sylphs are spirits of air , their element being
the highest vibratory rate of the four (beside earth, fire, water).
Color: red
Symbols: fire opal, almond (in flower), garlic, hibiscus, pepper,
Tools: scourge, sword, athame
Spirits: The salamanders are the spirits of fire, without which
fire wouldn't exist. Their ruler is a magnificent flaming being called Djin.
There are many families of salamanders, differing in size, appearance, and dignity.
Some appear as small balls of light, but mostly perceived as lizard-like in
shape and about a foot or more in length. The salamanders are the strongest
and most powerful of all the Devas, having the ability to extend their size
or diminish it, as needed. They and others of their kind are mischievous, like
children that don't fully understand the results of their actions, affected
by thoughts and actions of people around them.
Shortage: body heavy or chilled, thoughts slow, unenthusiastic
Excess: hot, hyper, flitting thoughts, insomnia, anger, snappishness
Water is the Element of purification, the subconscious mind,
love and the emotions. Just as Water is fluid, constantly changing, flowing
from one level to another, so too are our emotions in a constant state of flux.
Water is the Element of absorption and germination. The subconscious is symbolized
by this Element because it is rolling, always moving, like the sea which rests
neither night or day. Water Magick involves pleasure, friendship, marriage,
fertility, happiness, healing, sleep, dreaming, psychic acts, purification,
and so on. A ritual of Water usually involves an object being tossed or placed
in or on a body of Water. This is a feminine Element, and its color is the blue
of deep, deep Water. It rules the West and autumn months of the year, when rain
showers wash the Earth. The Magick of Water is wrought with mirrors, the sea,
fog and rain.
Title Aspects: Mother
Astrological Rulers: Venus, Moon
Keys: Love Principle, Fertility
Gabriel (turns force into
Rules: Emotions, love, sorrow, courage, astral planes, clairvoyance,
tides, oceans, pools, streams, wells, womb!
Melancholic; Feeling; strong, excitatory
Virtues: Compassion, tranquility, tenderness, forgiveness, modesty,
fluidity in creativity, receptivity, influence!
Vices: Self-indulgence, negligence, cowardice, indifference,
instability, moodiness, infatuation, easily put upon, delusions
Autumn & sunset
West, Zephyrus
Color: blue
Symbols: willow, dolphin, fish, water snakes, sea birds, myrrh,
ferns, rushes
Tool: cup
Spirits: The undines are the Deva beings that exist within the
water itself. They are beautiful to look upon and are very graceful, often seen
riding the waves of the ocean clothed in a shimmery substance shining with all
the colors of the sea. They are also found in rocky pools and in marshlands.
The undines also work with the plants that grow under the water and with the
motion of water. Some inhabit waterfalls, others live in rivers and lakes, every
fountain has its nymph, every ocean has its oceanids. The smaller undines are
often seen as winged beings that people have mistakenly called fairies seen
near flowers that grow in watery areas, having gossamer wings and shining clothing.
The undines closely resemble people in appearance and size, living in coral
caves under the ocean or on the shores of lakes or banks of rivers. The undines
work with the vital essences and liquids of plants, animals, and human beings,
present in everythin and assist you, only if you are deserving of our help -
and 'ALWAYS REMBER' - do not attempt to rule us! You must first learn to rule
yourselves, in your own nature, respecting the life force and the living beings
around you.
Title Aspect: Crone
Astrological Rulers: Venus, Saturn
Keys: Law Principle, Solidity
Auriel ("Lord of Awe")
Rules: birth & death, body, growth, nature, stones &
metals, material things, caves, chasms, silence, graves, fields
Sensation; calm, imperturbable
Virtues: strength, endurance, commitment, responsibility, thoroughness,
practicality, wisdom, patience, sense of timing
Vices: dullness, lack of conscience, melancholy, boredom, inertia,
stagnation, hoarding of resources (including information)
Yule & midnight
Color: green
Symbols: oak, rock crystal, salt, bull or cow, stag, grains,
comfrey, ivy
Tools: pentacle, altar stone (body of Anima Mundi)
Spirits: gnomes under Gob (friendly & easy to reach, teach
access to own depths & caverns & how to mine & work the vein of
gold therein)
Shortage: spaciness, hyper-activity, instability
Excess: body heaviness, general lack of energy, inertia, etc.

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