
a term applied to a person who recognizes the Earth Goddess Gaia, as a living, breathing organism. Then everything else, is PART of it, rather than APART from it.

a Wiccan tradition originated in the 40's and 50's by Gerald Gardner with the help of Doreen Valiente and others; This tradition is Celtic in origin, encompassing rituals as practiced in the south of England. It incorporates within its rituals and philosophy, certain ideas first published by Charles Leland (Aradia Gospel of the Witches). It also refers to one who traces linage directly back to Gerald Gardner and one of his High Priestesses in an unbroken line. There are three known fully recognized Gardnerian lineages in the United States. In the U.S., The Long Island Line, The Kentucky Line and the Donna Cole Line are most prominent. A fourth line, the emerging California Line, is an offshoot of the Long Island Line. Gardnerians in the United States tend to be highly attentive to lineage and its traceability. Some Gardnerian Witches will not recognize the initiation of another if the initiation was through a male.

a Magickal Obligation that one accepts in order to prove his or her honor for the Gods. The Witch may voluntarily accept a Geas, but a Geas can also be placed upon someone whom you wish to obligate. Also, a Sacred Trust.

is someone who practices the art of GEOMANCY, which is a system of divination that consists of making a random number of marks either on paper or a shallow box filled with earth, then constructing a pattern of dots from those marks, which are then interpreted for the answer. If you would like to know more about how this is done, The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie has a chapter about it. It's a rather complicated system, and it's used mostly in connection with ceremonial magic.

the hand or arm movement, that is the silent counterpart to spoken words or music.

cup or chalice.

male aspect which pervades all of the universe in vast interrelationships of every possible sort, providing impetus, creative spark and more. It is capable of being perceived in many ways depending on the perceiver and transcends time as well as space. He is the divine equal and counterpart to the Goddess. Often depicted as the Green God of Summer and the Horned God of Winter. He is seen as the Sun, without which we couldn't survive. His life, then is honored through the passing seasons of the year. Wild animals are his special concern and His aspect of the Horned God, with antlered helmet. The God's domains are the untouched natural lands whether mountain or desert or forest. The stars, too are his. And his symbols include:
and sickle.

Most perceptions of the great gods (both Male and Female) are valid in their own aspects and are or can be of considerable value. Pagans often choose archetypal gods of the waxing year as patron of all which is new and growing, and gods of the waning year as patron of all which ripens and declines, before the inevitable rebirth. Such perceptions enable us to form close emotional and magickal links with godhood.

the divine Universal Mother, source of fertility, wisdom and love. Often depicted in 3 in 1 aspects of:
and Crone.

Her gift is Life and She is all Nature. The moon is her symbol, as are the cauldron, mirror and five petaled flowers, to name but a few. She is the female aspect which pervades all of the universe in vast interrelationships of every possible sort, providing impetus, creative spark and more. She is capable of being perceived in many ways depending on the perceiver and transcends time as well as space. Most perceptions of the great goddesses are valid in their own aspects and are or can be of considerable value. Pagans often choose the archetypal maiden goddess as patroness of things fresh and new, the mother or lady as patroness of challenge, passion, creation and nurturing and the crone goddess for patroness of wisdom and judgment. Such perceptions enable us to form close emotional and magickal links with goddesshood.

This ritual is the main part of a 3rd Degree Initiation of some Traditions.

personal magical book written by a witch that carries all information that a witch learns and uses in the craft.

the act of dispelling negative emotions and energies from the physical body.

an obelisk shaped crystal, used as a collector of negative and pent-up energy. Usually placed in water or the dirt to ground.


  1. organized Pagan or Wiccan group similar to a coven but composed of members who are learning and being trained in worship and celebration. See OUTER COURT
  2. A group of individuals who follow Druidical teachings.
  3. Also refers to a group larger than thirteen.

This is the Welsh Yule Sabbat; begins sundown (December 21 or 22) depending on the date of the Winter Solstice. This is the festival of the Sun's rebirth. At this season the powers of light battle the powers of darkness, as the light begins it's increase.

The Welsh Midsummer Sabbat; beginning Sundown, June 21 or 22; Depending on the date of the Solstice.

The Welsh Spring Equinox Sabbat; begins sundown March 21 or 22 depending on the date of the Spring Equinox; this is the first day of Spring is also known as the Spring Equinox, Ostara, Eostre's Day, Alban Eilir, the Vernal Equinox, or Festival of the Trees. It marks the first day of true spring.

The Welsh Autumn Equinox Sabbat; beginning sundown, September 21 or 22 Depending on the date of the Equinox. 

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