
Tyrosine is intimately involved with the important brain neuro- transmitters epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine. It is synthesized in the body from existing levels of phenylalanine. Environmental stress is associated with reduced levels of norepinephrine. Tyrosine prevents reduction of norepinephrine levels that are associated with stress. Many clinical studies, along with a large body of anecdotal evidence, indicate that tyrosine may prove to be a vital substance in alleviating depression, as well as the irritating symptoms of premenstral syndrome. Tyrosine is now reportedly being used as an aid in the treatment of and withdrawal from cocaine addiction. In one study, tryptophan and tyrosine were used in conjunction with the anti-depressant imipramine to treat chronic cocaine abuse with a reported 75-80 percent success rate. Researchers at UCLA and elsewhere, have also reported favorably on regimens containing tryptophan and tyrosine for the treatment of cocaine abuse. The importance of Tyrosine is based on the fact that it is a direct precursor to Thyroxine (Triiodo tyrosine) as well as being a precursor to Adrenaline and Noradrenaline. Thyroxine is, of course, a primary Thyroid hormone.

Thyroxine deficiency results in a series of conditions including excess weight gain, cold hands and feet, decreased basal metabolism, etc.The catecholamine Adrenaline and Nor Adrenaline are critical in the following conditions: In Science magazine it was reported that Tyrosine lowers blood pressure by increasing Norepinephrine metabolites which through feedback shut down sympathetic output. In this same issue it was found that Tyrosine increased blood pressure 38% to 49% in hypotensive rats through accelerated peripheral synthesis of catecholamine. A study by Dr. I. Goldberg in Lancet revealed that catecholamine also controls immune system output. Allergy sufferers have responded well to Tyrosine. In the American Journal of Psychiatry, Dr. Alan J. Gelenberg postulated that a lack of available tyrosine results in a deficiency of nor adrenaline at a specific brain location, which in turn relates to mood problems such as depression.


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