Ganoderma lucidum
Description: Reishi (known as ling chih or ling-zhi, "mushroom of immortality" in China;
and as reishi or as mannentake, "10,000 year old mushroom" in Japan) is a
basidomycetes, or polypore (with pores under the cap, instead of gills) that
grows on the trunks or stumps of trees. Prune trees yield the highest level of
ganoderic acid. Although it typically has a kidney shaped cap form on a slightly
twisted columnar stalk, it can also look like deer antlers and many other
shapes. It is distinguished by brownish-red color with almost black and orange
stripes, which are also highly variable. Ganoderma is the single most highly
rated herb, in terms of multiple benefits and lack of side effects, in all of
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Out of the drugs and herbs listed in Shennong Medical Herbology – the ancient
Chinese materia medica – was one, which ranked higher than ginseng for its value
in promoting health and well being. This famous medicinal herb – lingzhi – was
actually not an herb but a variety of fungus, belonging to the ganoderma family.
Among the large number of species in this botanical family "Red Lingzhi,"
Ganoderma lucidum, is the most popular and medicinally effective.
For over 2000 years, lingzhi has been highly recommended as a valuable remedy
by Chinese medicine professionals. Highly regarded by the Chinese people as the
"Medicine Of Kings," it grows in the forest in very small quantities. Because of
its rarity and preciousness, lingzhi is also known as "the herb of good
Lingzhi can be taken daily for long periods without any adverse side effects.
Long-term use can help normalize body functions empower the immune system to
fight disease and stabilize the internal environment. Today, lingzhi and its
related mushrooms are increasingly called neutraceuticals a term to denote it
having both nutritional and medicinal properties. To achieve the highest ranking
as an herb and a neutraceutical,
- Effects on Immune System - The polysacharide in lingzhi can increase non-specific immunological
function. It was found that treatment of chronic bronchitis with lingzhi for a
few months resulted in an increase in IGA in the sputum. The phytochemical ganoderan has an anti-allergic action and an used
empirecally in cases of bronchial asthma. It is a biological response modifier
and is able to down regulate the auto immune system in SLE, rheumatoid arthritis
and scleroderma. The polysacharide GL-1, a water soluble component of the fruiting body of
lingzhi had a significant antitumor effect. It increases the production of
endogenous cytokines like interleukin-2 and interferron and also natural killer
cell activity. The antitumor effect of lingzhi is both dose and time dependent.
Lingzhi has a high content of organic germanium which also enhances its
antitumor effect.
- Hypoglycemic Activity - Ganoderan is the major hypoglycemic triterpene isolated from lingzhi. It
hypoglycemic effect is due to the increase of the plasma insulin level and also
through acceleration of glucose metabolism in the liver.
- C.N.S. Actions - Lingzhi has a central inhibitory effect and also antagonizes nicotine induced
convulsions in mice. It has a peripheral anticholineric effect which would
explain the complain of dryness of mouth when it is consumed.
- Hyperlinpidaemia - Cholesterol synthesis is inhibitory by the ganoderans. It was reported that
an oral administration of lingzhi as significantly lowered serum cholesterol but
had no effect on triglycerides.
- Anti-inflammatory Effect - Studies conducted at the University of Texas found that lingzhi had an
anti-inflammatory effect, equal to phenylbutazune and hydrocortisone, but did
not present the gastric side effects when used in arthritis.
- Effect on Liver - Lingzhi has a hepato-protective effect elevated levels of SGPT and SGOT were
lower after a short course of lingzhi. Lesions of carbon tetrachloride induced
hepatitis in mice improved with lingzhi. There have been anecdotal reports of cases of cirrhosis of the liver showing
dramatic improvement when treated with lingzhi.
- Effect on Chronic Bronchitis and Cough - Lingzhi tinture was used to treat chronic bronchitis induced by cigarette
smoke in test mice. Results indicate the recovery and regeneration of surface
cells of bronchi was rapid and complete.
- Antiviral Effects - Its Antiviral effects have been tested empirically in cases such as hepatitis
B, HIV, chicken pox, herpes zoster, herpes genitalis and herpes labialis and
mumps. In case of chickenpox, the rash and severity of the disease was greatly
reduced when a high dose of lingzhi is started early when the rashes first
appear. In herpes gentalis the periods of remission was longer and the severity
greatly reduced. Here too, the response was dose related.
- Prevention and Onset of Disease - The phytochemicals in lingzhi act on the body chemistry and offer protection
against the damaging activities of free radicals by acting as scavenger which
neutralize them. Cancer, liver disease, hypertension, strokes, diabetes,
atherosclerosis and arthritis are all too easily accept as facts of life with
few questions being asked as to their actual causes. The onset of these disease can be delayed or completely prevented by the use
of antioxidants like vitamins A, C, E, zinc and Pycnogenol alone or in
combination with lingzhi.
Physiology/Pharmacology - Phytochemicals it contains have been isolated and their chemical
structure determined that these include:
- Polysaccharides
- Bitter substance- the Tritepens like, Ganoderans
- Adenosine
- Organic Germanium v. Fatty acids
The proteins contain all of the essential amino acids, and most commonly
occurring non-essential amino acids and amides. The fatty acids are largely
unsaturated, and reishi are rich in vitamins (especially B3, B5, C and D) and
minerals (espeically calcium, phosphorous and iron). Ganoderma has the most
active polysaccharides (long chains of sugars) among medicinal plant sources.
Ganoderma is the only known source of a group of triterpenoides known as
ganderic acids, which have a molecular structure similar to steroid hormones. A
study of nine edible medicinal mushrooms connected antitumor activity to
polysaccharides and fatty substances that were probably ergosterols. Ganoderma
also neutralized free radicals such as carbon tetrachloride and ethionine in
animal livers, and reversed fatty infiltration.
Indications - Cancer, side effects of cancer treatments including radiation, chemotherapy
and surgery; high altitude stress; high cholesterol and hyperlipidemia; high
blood pressure; chronic fatigue syndrome and AIDS; weakness of the lung; wasting
syndromes; spiritual malaise; difficulty concentrating; poor digestion; insomnia
and poorly regulated immune response.
Toxicity, Cautions & Contraindications - None. High doses of unextracted reishi powder may lead to loosening of the
stools, dry mouth, skin rash or slight digestive upset initially (extracts can
be designed to reduce this).

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