Syrup - Honey Cough Syrup
This recipe is unsuitable for infants who should not have honey.
- 1 tablespoon licorice root
- 1 tablespoon marshmallow root
- 1
tablespoon plantain leaf
- 1 teaspoon thyme leaf
- 1 pint water
- 4
tablespoons honey
- 4 ounces vegetable glycerine
- 1/8 teaspoon anise
essential oil (optional)
- Prepare a triple-strength tea by simmering the herbs in water
for 10 minutes, then steeping for 20 minutes.
- Strain the tea, then stir in honey and glycerin while the tea
is still warm.
- Add optional essential oil.
Take 1 tablespoon at a time. Store in a cool place, this
syrup will keep for 2 weeks. In the refrigerator, it will keep for several