Cooked Custard Ice Cream

This is a rich, yummy ice cream that will please the palate and make you proud to serve it. A bit expensive to make, but worth every penny. Yield: About a 1/2 gallon



  1. Beat egg yolks until they are a lemony color. Set aside.
  2. In a large pot heat cream, milk, sugar and salt until it just begins to make little bubbles around the side of the pan; do not boil. Remove from heat.
  3. Take one cup of hot liquid and pour in a thin, steady stream while stirring eggs furiously to incorporate the hot liquid.
  4. Add egg mixture to ingredients in pan; return to the heat and cook over low medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture will coat a spoon.
  5. Remove from heat, cool for ten minutes, then mix in vanilla extract. *(If you use vanilla beans, split the pod and rake the tiny seeds into the mixture before you cook it. Add th e empty vanilla pods, too, then remove after cooking is finished.
  6. Place in refrigerator for about two hours, until mixture is thoroughly chilled. Then use to make ice cream following the instructions for your ice cream maker.


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