Make Cheese from Sour Milk
- Add fresh milk to the sour milk to make one litre.
- Leave it covered on the kitchen bench until it has set.
- Line a colander with a clean cloth, and pour in the curdled
- Gather up the edges and tie them, making a bundle.
- Hang this over the sink overnight until it stops dripping.
- Scrape off the cheese into a bowl and flavour it to taste.
- Try adding herbs, pepper, garlic salt, dried onion; or
chopped dried fruits, a dash of rum or brandy, nutmeg and a little honey.
- The whey (liquid) can be used within a day or two, or frozen
for future use, in scones, soups and stock, pastry, rice dishes - just about
anything you want to add a cheesy flavour.
You can restore slightly sour milk by adding a pinch of
"Bicarbonate of Soda" to it.