Cashew Wine

Location of Production - Cashew wine is made in many countries in Asia and Latin America.

Product description - Cashew wine is a light yellow alcoholic drink prepared from the fruit of the cashew tree (Ancardium occidentale). It contains an alcohol content of between 6 and 12% alcohol.

Preparation of raw materials - In gathering the fruits and transporting them to the workshop, the prime purpose should be to have the fruit arrive in the very best condition possible. Cashew apples are sorted and only mature undamaged cashew apples should be selected. These should be washed in clean water.

  • Selection
Mature, sound cashew apples
  • Slicing
To increase extraction of juice
  • Crushing
  • Sterilisation
At 85° C
  • Filtered
  • Inoculation
With S. cerevisiae
  • Fermentation

Two weeks

  • Filtered
  • Pasteurisation
50-60° C
  • Ageing
In wooden vats for 6 months

Flow diagram

Processing - The cashew apples are cut into slices to ensure a rapid rate of juice extraction when crushed in a juice press. The fruit juice is sterilised in stainless steel pans at a temperature of 85oC in order to eliminate wild yeast. The juice is filtered and treated either sodium or potassium metabisulphite to destroy or inhibit the growth of any undesirable types of micro-organisms - acetic acid bacteria, wild yeasts and moulds.

Wine yeast (Saccharomyees cerevisiae - var ellipsoideus) are added. Once the yeast is added, the contents are stirred well and allowed to ferment for about two weeks.

The wine is separated from the sediment. It is clarified by using fining agents such as gelatin, pectin or casein which are mixed with the wine. Filtration is carried out with filter-aids such as fullers earth. The filtered wine is transferred to wooden vats.

The wine is then pasteurised at 50o - 60oC. Temperature should be controlled, so as not to heat it to about 70oC, since its alcohol content would vaporise at a temperature of 75o-78oC. It is then stored in wooden vats and subjected to ageing. At least six months should be allowed for ageing.

If necessary, wine is again clarified prior to bottling. During ageing, and subsequent maturing in bottles many reactions, including oxidation, occur with the formation of traces of esters and aldehydes., which together with the tannin and acids already present enhance the taste, aroma and preservative properties of the wine (Wimalsiri, Sinnatamby, Samaranayake and Samarsinghe, 1971).

Packaging and storage - The product is packaged in glass bottles with corks. The bottles should be kept out of direct sunlight.

Caution - Homemade coffees, wines and liqueurs do not have the shelf life of commercial brands! In many instances the use of extracts is preffered instead of cooking and breaking down fruits - to expedite the ageing process and prevent acidity or fruit sedimentation (this also sometimes prevents the natural flavours to permeate the liqueur)! Sugars, coffee, chocolates, and fruits added with water can introduce contaminants to liqueurs so refrigerate upon opening, serve and enjoy as soon as possible!


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